Constituent Question: Water & Sewer Rates

Summary of Questions: Why are apartment dwellers paying more per gallon for water in Waltham than single family homes?

I don’t know yet, but I’ve made inquiries to find out. When I know more, I’ll share it here. In the meantime, please see the message I sent to the City to learn more.

Full Question

Do you have any insight into how the city of Waltham sets their water rates? In recent years they have applied more increases to the higher usage tiers, which on its face seems like a reasonable way to encourage sustainability.

However, the city doesn't not adjust the water usage tiers for the number of units in a building. So most apartment dwellers will pay the top rate for most water usage. In the past this meant apartment dweller paid about double per cubic meter. But after recent increases, they will now pay 4x as much as a typical single family resident.

This seems quite unfair, as many renters are more likely to have lower incomes. There is also a racial component entirely, as single family dwellers are much whiter than renters.

I know other towns, Watertown for example, adjust their usage tiers for units in a building, but Waltham does not, so I am curious why?

Message Sent to Director of Consolidated Public Works in Waltham


I’m an independent candidate for Waltham State Rep (9th Middlesex District), and I’ve received a question from a constituent about how the city determines the water and sewer rates. According to the website which has the PDF posted sideways (, it appears that the only consideration for water rates is the volume of water passing thru the meter. However, as this constituent pointed out, this means that a large apartment building with a single water meter will almost always exceed the thresholds for the lower rates. In effect that this means water rates for apartment dwellers will be higher per unit or per occupant than those in single family homes. I understand that much of this cost may be borne by landlords rather than tenants, but it certainly could impact the overall affordability of living in Waltham. Can you please let me know if there are any alternative rates or calculations for apartment buildings and/or individual apartments/condos? If there are not currently, are there any under consideration or discussion? Finally, can you please provide me with a description for the current process of determining or adjusting water and sewer rates in Waltham?

Thank you,

Sean Diamond

Response from City Water & Sewer Engineer

Excerpt from email (5/13/24):

The Water and Sewer rates are reviewed annually per City Ordinance.  As an Enterprise Fund, we study our annual expenses (operating costs, MWRA assessments, capital expenses and other related costs) and project if each year’s rate structure will generate enough revenue to cover the expenses.  We study various rate tier options to determine the amounts to charge which will cover all of the operating costs.

We bill ratepayers using the 4-tiered system, with the calculation based on the periodic readings (quarterly or monthly) of the main meter at the property.  You are correct that large multi-unit residential properties are billed on the entirety of the usage of all occupants. 

We are planning to perform a water rate study in the near future to review the tiers, rates and other issues, including the multi-unit residences (condos or apartments).  This will assist us in determining any change(s) that may take place. 


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