6 Weeks to Go: Meet the Candidate Backyard Party

6 Weeks to Go: Meet the Candidate Backyard Party

  • 131 Woerd Avenue Waltham, MA, 02453 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come learn more about the candidate, the platform, and volunteer opportunities for those that support both collective action and individual thought! (View event for details)

¡Venga a conocer más sobre el candidato, la plataforma y las oportunidades de voluntariado para aquellos que apoyan tanto la acción colectiva como el pensamiento individual! (Ver evento para más detalles)

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Meet the Candidate @ Waltham Farmers Market

Meet the Candidate @ Waltham Farmers Market

Sean Diamond is the Independent Candidate for Waltham State Rep (9th Middlesex District) on the ballot for the November 5th general election.

Sean will be at the Waltham Farmers Market 10:30AM - 12:30PM on Saturday, September 28th. Come stop by, say hello, and ask any questions you have about Sean’s candidacy, platform, or anything else you want to know. (Then, enjoy all that the Farmers Market has to offer!)


Sean Diamond es el Candidato Independiente para Representante Estatal de Waltham (Distrito 9 de Middlesex) en la boleta electoral para las elecciones generales del 5 de noviembre.

Sean estará en el Mercado de Agricultores de Waltham de 10:30 AM a 12:30 PM el sábado 28 de septiembre. Venga a saludar y haga cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre la candidatura de Sean, su plataforma, o cualquier otra cosa que quiera saber. (¡Después, disfrute de todo lo que el Mercado de Agricultores tiene para ofrecer!)

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Voter Registration Deadline

Voter Registration Deadline

Visit the Massachusetts Secretary of Commonwealth’s office website to register to vote:


In order to vote in the 2024 general election on November 5th, you must register to vote by this date!


Visite el sitio web de la oficina del Secretario del Commonwealth de Massachusetts para registrarse para votar:


¡Para votar en las elecciones generales de 2024 el 5 de noviembre, debe registrarse para votar antes de esta fecha!

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Sponsoring & Attending: Western Greenway 5k hosted by Waltham Land Trust

Sponsoring & Attending: Western Greenway 5k hosted by Waltham Land Trust

Sean Diamond is not seeking the endorsement of any non-profit organizations, but as a member of the Waltham community Sean is looking to meet, listen to, understand the perspectives of, and show respect for community members from any party or none at all. Sean also understands that Waltham’s parks, historic sites, opens spaces, and conservation areas are part of what makes Waltham a great place to live.

In this spirit, the Committee to Elect Sean Diamond is sponsoring the Western Greenway 5k in northern Waltham hosted by the Waltham Land Trust. On the day of the event, the candidate will be in attendance to meet and greet race participants (or any Waltham community members who want to stop by) and provide a water bottle refill station at the sponsorship booth.

Register for the Race by midnight on Thursday, October 24th

Visit the Waltham Land Trust website to learn more about the race or signup as a WLT race day event volunteer

Donation note: The Committee to Elect Sean Diamond will be happy to accept campaign donations from those who can afford it on the campaign website. However, for those that only have a little bit of money available for donation, please consider prioritizing your donation to the Waltham Land Trust (or other local Waltham non-profits).

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Día de las Elecciones

Día de las Elecciones

  • Consulta el sitio del Secretario de la Ciudad de Waltham para lugares de votación (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sean Diamond estará en la boleta electoral general como candidato independiente con la designación política de Forward para Representante Estatal en el 9.º Distrito de Middlesex (que cubre aproximadamente 2/3 de Waltham).

Revisa la plataforma de Sean (disculpe: solo en inglés)

Información del Día de las Elecciones en Waltham

Encuentra tu lugar de votación

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Celebración de la Noche Electoral

Celebración de la Noche Electoral

Después de que cierren las urnas el Día de las Elecciones, el Comité para Elegir a Sean Diamond invita a los residentes de Waltham de cualquier partido o sin afiliación (así como a cualquier voluntario de campaña y donante) que estén dispuestos a respetar el tiempo y la atención de todos a nuestra Celebración de la Noche Electoral.

¡Únase a nosotros en el "Squirrel Den" en Mighty Squirrel Brewery para celebrar la democracia en acción, ver los resultados de las elecciones nacionales y discutir qué sigue para Waltham!

El Comité para Elegir a Sean Diamond proporcionará refrigerios para todos los asistentes (hasta agotar existencias).

Para aquellos que tengan la edad legal para beber (y mientras duren las existencias), se proporcionará un ticket de bebida a cualquier voluntario de campaña o residente de Waltham que lleve una calcomanía de "Yo voté" y/o mercancía oficial de Sean Diamond para Representante Estatal de Waltham.

Consulte los detalles del evento para la donación sugerida (para aquellos que puedan permitírselo).

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Election Night Celebration

Election Night Celebration

After the polls close on Election Day, the Committee to Elect Sean Diamond invites Waltham residents of any party or none at all (as well as any campaign volunteers and donors) who are willing to respect everyone’s time and attention to our Election Night Celebration.

Join us in the “Squirrel Den” at Mighty Squirrel Brewery to celebrate democracy in action, watch the national election results, and discuss what’s next for Waltham!

Refreshments provided by the Committee to Elect Sean Diamond for all in attendance (while they last).

For those of legal drinking age (and while supplies last), a drink ticket will be provided for any campaign volunteer or any Waltham resident wearing an “I voted” sticker and/or official Sean Diamond for Waltham State Rep merchandise.

View event details for suggested donation (for those who can afford it)

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Candidate Attending: Chaplains on the Way charity BBQ & Silent Auction

Candidate Attending: Chaplains on the Way charity BBQ & Silent Auction

Sean Diamond is not seeking the endorsement of any non-profit organizations (including religious institutions), but as a member of the Waltham community Sean is looking to meet, listen to, understand the perspectives of, and show respect for community members from any faith or none at all.

In that spirit, Sean will be attending the Silent Auction & Community Barbecue hosted by Chaplains on the Way at First Parish in Waltham, which will include an all-you-can-eat barbecue.


Donation note: The Committee to Elect Sean Diamond will be happy to accept campaign donations from those who can afford it on the campaign website. However, for those that only have a little bit of money available for donation, please consider prioritizing your donation to the Chaplains on the Way (or other local Waltham non-profits).

The Chaplains on the Way website indicates that all proceeds for the barbecue and silent auction will benefit Waltham's unhoused community!

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Candidate Attending: Waltham Day on the Common

Candidate Attending: Waltham Day on the Common

As a member of the Waltham community Sean Diamond is looking to meet, listen to, understand the perspectives of, and show respect for community members from any party or none at all. In this spirit, Sean will be attending the Waltham Day event on the Waltham Common hosted by the City of Waltham.

There is limited information about the event on the city website, but the full event appears to include family-friendly activities and run 11am to 4pm. Sean will plan to attend for a couple hours in the afternoon, so if you see him walking around, feel free to come up, introduce yourself, and ask any questions you may have!

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Candidate Attending: Lakeview Preserve Celebration

Candidate Attending: Lakeview Preserve Celebration

Sean Diamond is not seeking the endorsement of any non-profit organizations, but as a member of the Waltham community Sean is looking to meet, listen to, understand the perspectives of, and show respect for community members from any party or none at all. Sean also understands that Waltham’s parks, historic sites, opens spaces, and conservation areas are part of what makes Waltham a great place to live.

In that spirit, Sean will be attending the Lakeview Preserve Celebration hosted by the Waltham Land Trust in honor of the Giardina family for their stewardship of and the on-going preservation of the Hardy Pond lakefront property.

Visit the Waltham Land Trust website for full event details

Donation note: The Committee to Elect Sean Diamond will be happy to accept campaign donations from those who can afford it on the campaign website. However, for those that only have a little bit of money available for donation, please consider prioritizing your donation to the Waltham Land Trust (or other local Waltham non-profits).

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Candidate Attending: Second Sunday Housing Social

Candidate Attending: Second Sunday Housing Social

Sean Diamond is not seeking the endorsement of any non-profit organizations, but as a member of the Waltham community Sean is looking to meet, listen to, understand the perspectives of, and show respect for community members from any party or none at all. Sean also understands that housing affordability is a significant challenge for many Waltham residents.

In this spirit, Sean will be attending the Second Sunday Housing Social hosted by the Waltham Inclusive Neighborhoods organization.

For those interested in housing policy, please see Sean’s candidate survey response about housing (even if you can’t attend this event).

Visit the Waltham Inclusive Neighborhoods events calendar for full event details

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Candidate Attending: Perennial Garden Mocktail Party

Candidate Attending: Perennial Garden Mocktail Party

Sean Diamond is not seeking the endorsement of any non-profit organizations, but as a member of the Waltham community Sean is looking to meet, listen to, understand the perspectives of, and show respect for community members from any party or none at all. Sean also understands that accessible healthy foods (and tasty beverages), opens spaces, and supporting our farmers are part of what makes Waltham a great place to live.

In that spirit (but without needing “spirits”), Sean will be attending the Perennial Garden Mocktail Party with a “mix” of educational content provided by the Waltham Fields Community Farm.

Register for the event on the Waltham Fields Community Farm website ($35 registration fee to WFCF)

Donation note: The Committee to Elect Sean Diamond will be happy to accept campaign donations from those who can afford it on the campaign website. However, for those that only have a little bit of money available for donation, please consider prioritizing your donation to the Waltham Fields Community Farm (or other local Waltham non-profits).

Ethical Disclaimer: In the spirit of full disclosure, Sean Diamond is on the Board of Directors for the Waltham Fields Community Farm but is attending this event as an ordinary community member and is in no way profiting from this association with the farm. He just really appreciates the mission of the organization.

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Candidate Attending: First Lutheran Community Day

Candidate Attending: First Lutheran Community Day

Sean Diamond is not seeking the endorsement of any non-profit organizations (including religious institutions), but as a member of the Waltham community Sean is looking to meet, listen to, understand the perspectives of, and show respect for community members from any faith or none at all.

In that spirit, Sean will be attending the Community Day event hosted by the First Lutheran Church of Waltham. More information about the Community Day event, which will run from 11am to 1:30pm can be found on Patch.com.

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Campaign Volunteer Event

Campaign Volunteer Event

Join the Committee to Elect Sean Diamond as we discuss opportunities to volunteer for the campaign between now and Election Day.

Interested in volunteering for the only Independent Candidate for Waltham State Rep? Just want an opportunity to learn more about what it means to ensure that Waltham has a real choice in the general election in November? RSVP Yes

Can’t make it but still interested in volunteering, RSVP No

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Meet the Candidate @ Waltham Farmers Market

Meet the Candidate @ Waltham Farmers Market

Sean Diamond is the Independent Candidate for Waltham State Rep (9th Middlesex District) on the ballot for the November 5th general election.

Sean will be at the Waltham Farmers Market 10:30AM - 12:30PM on Saturday, August 10th. Come stop by, say hello, and ask any questions you have about Sean’s candidacy, platform, or anything else you want to know. (Then, enjoy all that the Farmers Market has to offer!)

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