Sean’s Civic Resume

Below is a list of organizations, events, and campaigns where Sean Diamond has worked, volunteered, donated, maintained membership, and/or held positions of authority. This list in no way represents any endorsement by the organizations or candidates below. (However, if any of those organizations or individuals were to legally offer an endorsement, Sean would be happy to have it!)

  • Current Positions of Responsibility

    Massachusetts Forward Party - State Lead

    Waltham Fields Community Farm - Board of Directors

  • Current Memberships & Recent Donations

    Loyal Order of the Moose Waltham (Lodge 1018)

    Waltham Fields Community Farm

    Gore Place

    Healthy Waltham

    Sierra Club (lifetime membership)

    Waltham Land Trust

    Watch CDC

  • Professional Participation in Regulatory Processes

    Utility Participant in MA DPU Dockets 19-55 & 20-75 regarding renewable energy interconnections and cost sharing (as well as other regulatory proceedings related to Net Metering and SMART incentive programs)

  • Direct Experience in Government

    Poll Worker (Clerk) in Waltham Ward 5-1:

    * Presidential Primary Election - March 5, 2024

    Poll Worker (Clerk or Inspector) in Waltham Ward 7-2:

    * Municipal General Election - November 7, 2023

    * Municipal Preliminary Election - September 12, 2023

    * State General Election - November 8, 2022

    * State Primary Election - September 6, 2022

    * Municipal General Election - November 2, 2021

    Dickinson College Student Ambassador to the Carlisle Borough Council (Non-Voting Councillor): 2006 to 2008

    Intern at Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: 2004

  • Previous Political Volunteering & Memberships

    Our Revolution Somerville — Board Member & Lead of Climate Committee 2017 to 2019

    Bob Massie 2018 Campaign for MA Governor — Campaign Volunteer & Somerville Ward 5 Delegate to Democratic State Convention

    March for Science Boston — Event Volunteer 2017

    Livable Streets — Volunteer 2012 to 2014

    Mike Connolly 2012 Campaign for State Rep in Somerville / Cambridge — Campaign Volunteer

    Chester County Citizens for Climate Protection (in West Chester, PA) — Member 2010 to 2012

  • Academic Degrees & Non-Political Civic Experience

    MSc Climate Change - University of East Anglia in Norwich, England

    Greenhouse Trust in Norwich, England — Volunteer 2009 to 2010

    BS Physics - Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA

    Dickinson College Student Senate in Carlisle, PA — Various Officer Positions 2004 to 2008

    Boy Scouts of America — Attaining rank of Life Scout

Ethical Note:

In addition to the items listed above, Sean also works a day job as a manager of a team of data science, user experience, and IT support professionals in a clean energy department at a publicly traded utility company regulated by the MA Department of Public Utilities. Therefore, despite Sean’s desire to provide full transparency during and after the campaign, the candidate and the campaign will not be naming Sean’s current employer to avoid even the perception of an improper endorsement.

Sean is running the campaign exclusively outside of normal work hours (unless formally taking paid time off) and without using any company resources in compliance with relevant campaign finance laws and good ethical practices. All members of the Committee to Elect Sean Diamond, campaign staff, and campaign volunteers that hold outside employment - regardless of employer - are being asked to do the same out of an abundance of caution. Thank you for understanding.