Door-Knocking & Debate Schedule
Debate Schedule Proposal
I also sent an open letter to the Waltham League of Women Voters (and the other State Rep candidates) requesting an inclusive 4-way debate for all candidates prior to the start of early voting for the primary election. This will be especially important for unenrolled (aka independent) voters, who need to decide whether to select the Republican or Democratic primary ballot (as well as who to vote for).
Door-Knocking on Cinco-de-Mayo
Visiting Ward 3-1
The hills in this neighborhood are no joke! I talked to voters about everything from the Bruins Game 7 to the cost of police traffic details.
Landscaped Mini-Park
I met the residents who take care of this beautiful mini-park in the neighborhood.
Stanley Campaign Litter
As I rang door bells and talked to neighbors face-to-face, I encountered a lot of the incumbent’s campaign fliers jammed into door handles, mailboxes, and blowing across yards.
I’m happy to handout campaign materials when I’m talking to people, but I won’t litter in order to get elected!
Despite a light, spring rain I was happy to meet so many enthusiastic neighbors!