Candidate Survey: Moms Demand Action

Please find my response to the Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action candidate survey on guns, gun violence, and gun safety. Below, I have included the preamble (which may include statistics that I am unable to personally verify but seem plausible) and questions as worded in the survey form. The form was setup such that each question only had Yes/No options when providing a response and all questions required a response in order to submit the form.

My answers and the additional context that I would like to provide voters are captured in bold below each survey question.

Below the survey responses, I’ve included the email response I received from the organization after completing the survey.

Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action are committed to creating a movement and culture that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable, and being intentional about the intersectional nature of our work. To that end, candidates who apply for the Gun Sense Candidate distinction should not only be ready to commit to governing with gun safety in mind, but must also commit to ensuring that their words and actions promote equity across all communities.

[checkbox checked] I commit to governing with gun safety in mind and promoting equity across all communities.(REQUIRED)

Addressing Gun Violence in America

Every day, 120 people in the United States are killed with guns and more than 200 are shot and wounded. The gun homicide rate in the U.S. is 26 times higher than that of other high-income countries. Data and research shows that common-sense public safety measures can reduce gun violence and save lives.

1) Do you believe that state elected officials have a role to play in addressing gun violence in the United States?


Background Checks

Federal law requires that a person pass a background check before buying a gun from a licensed firearm dealer. Since 1994, more than 4 million illegal gun sales have been blocked, including to people convicted of a felony, domestic abusers, and people barred due to mental illness. But the federal law does not apply if a person buys a gun from an unlicensed seller. This means that criminals can easily buy guns from strangers they meet online or at gun shows, with no questions asked. States can close this loophole by passing a law extending background checks to unlicensed sellers.

2) Do you support expanding the background checks requirement, to prevent prohibited people from buying guns with no questions asked?

Yes — Massachusetts already requires background checks for gun sales by unlicensed dealers. The state has implemented comprehensive background check laws that apply to all firearm sales, including those conducted by unlicensed sellers. This means that in Massachusetts, a background check is required for any gun purchase, regardless of whether the seller is licensed or unlicensed. I would not propose to weaken or undermine such requirements if elected.

Extreme Risk Protection Order

When a person is in crisis, loved ones and law enforcement are often the first to see warning signs. Extreme Risk laws, often called Red Flag laws, allow them to ask a judge to temporarily remove guns when a person poses a danger to themselves or others. If a court finds that a person poses a significant threat, that person is temporarily barred from purchasing and possessing guns. Twenty-one states and DC have passed these laws, including sixteen since 2018.

3) Do you support Extreme Risk Protection Orders (a.ka. Red Flag laws), which can help prevent firearm suicide and mass shootings?

Yes — Massachusetts already has an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) law, commonly referred to as a "red flag" law. This law was enacted in 2018 and allows family members, household members, or law enforcement to petition a court to temporarily suspend an individual's access to firearms if they are deemed to pose a risk to themselves or others. Under this law, a judge can issue an order requiring the individual to surrender their firearms and ammunition, as well as any firearms licenses they hold. I would not propose to weaken or undermine such requirements if elected.

Secure Storage

Secure firearm storage can reduce the risks of suicide, unintentional shootings, and school shootings. An estimated 4.6 million American children live in households with at least one firearm that is loaded and unsecured. Three-quarters of school shooters got their firearm from the home of a parent or close relative. One study found that households that locked both firearms and ammunition were associated with a 78 percent lower risk of self-inflicted firearm injuries and an 85 percent lower risk of unintentional injuries among children and teens.

4) Do you support policies requiring gun owners to store their firearms securely — locked and inaccessible to unauthorized users, including children and prohibited people?

Yes — Massachusetts already has laws regarding the secure storage of firearms. Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 140, Section 131L, it is unlawful to store or keep any firearm unless it is secured in a locked container or equipped with a tamper-resistant mechanical lock or other safety device. This requirement is intended to render the weapon inoperable by anyone other than the owner or another lawfully authorized user. The law aims to prevent unauthorized access, particularly by minors, and reduce the risks of accidents and misuse. Failure to comply with these storage requirements can result in criminal charges and penalties. I would not propose to weaken or undermine such requirements if elected.

Suicide by Gun

Nearly six out of ten of all gun deaths in the U.S. are suicides. Gun suicides claim the lives of nearly 25,000 people in America every year--that’s an average of 68 deaths a day. But many of these deaths could be prevented if guns were taken out of the equation: access to a gun triples the risk of death by suicide. In addition to legislative solutions like the Extreme Risk Protection Order and secure firearm storage requirements, building public awareness about the suicide risks posed by firearm access is crucial to saving lives.

5) Do you support  educating the public about the unique role firearms play in America’s suicide epidemic?

Yes — Massachusetts has previously funded such education programs (see: If elected, I would support continuing to fund such initiatives, and I would seek to ensure that funding for such programs including periodic evaluation of the real world efficacy of such programs, including the identification of weakness and opportunities to improve results and reduce suicide deaths.

Ghost Guns

New products designed to evade gun laws--including widely available kits that convert unfinished parts into fully functional firearms and new capability in 3D printing technology--make it easy for prohibited people to make their own guns at home. These untraceable “ghost guns” can be assembled in less than an hour and let criminals skip the background check system. Ghost gun recoveries across the U.S. are on the rise, and have been connected with criminal enterprises, gun trafficking rings, and far-right extremists.

6) Do you support prohibitions on building “ghost guns” at home outside of the background check system?

Yes — At the end of the 2024 legislative session, Massachusetts passed a bill that effectively outlaws the creation, possession, or transfer of “ghost guns” requiring that all firearms and component parts have serial numbers. I would not propose to weaken or undermine such requirements if elected.

Protecting Victims of Domestic Abuse

Women in the U.S. are 28 times more likely to be killed by gun homicide than women in other high-income countries. And when a gun is present in a domestic violence situation, the woman is five times more likely to be killed. Federal law prohibits many domestic abusers from possessing firearms, but states play a primary role in enforcement -- and can pass their own domestic violence laws. Evidence shows these state laws are especially effective at preventing gun violence if they require abusers to turn in their guns once they become prohibited.

7) Do you support state legislation that prohibits gun possession by abusers convicted of domestic violence or under final restraining orders, and ensures abusers turn in their guns promptly after becoming prohibited?

Yes — Massachusetts already has laws addressing the possession of firearms by domestic abusers. Massachusetts law prohibits individuals who are subject to a permanent or temporary protection order from purchasing or possessing firearms. When a court issues a temporary or emergency protection order, it is required to order the immediate suspension and surrender of any firearms licenses and firearms the defendant possesses, provided there is a substantial likelihood of immediate danger of abuse. Additionally, Massachusetts law mandates that law enforcement officials take possession of all firearms, ammunition, licenses, and identification cards when serving such orders. The state also requires that records of certain domestic violence offenses be transmitted to the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services for inclusion in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). I would not propose to weaken or undermine such requirements if elected.

Funding Community Violence Intervention

Community-based violence intervention programs apply a localized approach to address gun violence in neighborhoods with particularly high rates of gun violence. Numerous studies demonstrate that evidence-based intervention and prevention -- for example, through street- or hospital-based outreach -- can reduce gunshot woundings and deaths in the communities most impacted by gun violence.

8) Do you support robust public funding in your state for localized violence intervention programs that support people at the highest risk of being shot and killed?

Yes — Massachusetts has made significant investments in community-based violence intervention programs through state budget allocations and legislative measures. In the fiscal year 2024 budget, over $100 million was allocated to fund various life-saving programs aimed at addressing gun violence and its root causes. If elected, I would support continuing to fund such initiatives, and I would seek to ensure that funding for such programs including periodic evaluation of their real world efficacy, including the identification of weakness and opportunities to improve results in a manner that respects the time and attention of the communities served.

Public Carry of Firearms

Over the last several years, the gun lobby has gone from statehouse to statehouse seeking to enact “permitless carry,” which would pose a public safety risk by removing the requirement that a person get a permit before carrying a hidden, loaded handgun in public. These laws often remove important safety standards, such as denials for people who pose a danger and requirements for safety training and no recent violent acts. Strong permit laws are critically important after the Supreme Court decision in Bruen struck down gold-standard provisions in some states. 

9) Do you support state permitting requirements, including firearm safety training, in order to carry concealed handguns in public?

Yes — Massachusetts already has laws addressing concealed carry permit and training requirements. I would not propose to weaken or undermine such requirements if elected.

Increasingly in recent years, political extremists have taken advantage of gaps in state law to carry guns openly in public as a means of intimidation. In 2020, anti-government extremists, including the ascendant boogaloo movement and white supremacists, used guns, in particular assault weapons, as tools of intimidation and violence in increasingly open ways. Taking advantage of weak state gun laws, they have brandished weapons at anti-government protests, intimidated peaceful protests for racial justice, and even killed people.

10) Do you support a law prohibiting the open carry of firearms in public?

Yes — In Massachusetts, individuals with a License to Carry (LTC) are legally permitted to open carry firearms in public. Additionally, there are already restrictions on where firearms can be carried, even with a license, including schools, courthouses, airports, and other sensitive areas where firearms are explicitly prohibited by law. Thus, while open carry is technically legal for LTC holders, practical considerations and local enforcement practices already discourage it under many circumstances. As such, I would not propose to weaken or undermine such existing requirements if elected. However, I would need to fully understand the specific necessity and benefit of any further restrictions on otherwise lawful activities.

Police Use of Force and Accountability

Police violence is gun violence - 95 percent  of civilian deaths caused by police are with a firearm, and Black people are victims at a disproportionate rate. Police shootings have a corrosive impact on our communities as they foster distrust which makes it harder for law enforcement to keep communities safe. Local leaders must commit to supporting targeted reforms that will help prevent shootings and build trust. These reforms should include: a strong legal standard barring the unnecessary use of force and a standard requiring officers to intervene to stop abuse, a commitment to de-escalation, deploying formal tools to identify misconduct, a thorough and independent review system for use of force incidents, and transparency about use of force and other policies and procedures.

11) Do you support police accountability measures that promote deescalation, promote transparency, and that aim to eliminate unnecessary use of force?

Yes — In 2020, Massachusetts already passed a comprehensive set of legislation addressing de-escalation, transparency, and use of force by police. (See: If there are any specific gaps in this legislation that have been implemented, I would be happy to sponsor legislation that furthers respect for everyone’s time and attention by the police officers serving our community — especially to the extent that such legislation can improve public safety.

Shoot First Laws

Shoot First laws, called “Stand Your Ground” by the gun lobby, allow people when outside of their home to shoot and kill others even if they could safely and easily avoid using deadly force. These laws go well beyond traditional self-defense principles - emboldening vigilante violence and encouraging people to seek out confrontation. They are also associated with increases in firearm homicides.

12) Do you oppose Shoot First laws?

Yes — “Stand your ground” laws do not appear to have any benefits to public safety that I am aware of and if anything seem to encourage violence.

Guns in Schools and Colleges

The gun lobby has campaigned in statehouses to allow guns in K-12 schools, to arm teachers, and even to force colleges and universities to allow guns onto their campuses. There is no evidence that arming teachers can help stop school shootings—and on the contrary, armed civilians are more likely to cause confusion when law enforcement respond to a shooting, and guns in schools may be accessed by children when not under the teacher’s control. College life is also full of risk factors that make the presence of guns dangerous, with research showing that college students face significant mental health challenges. Arming teachers and forcing guns onto college campuses is broadly opposed by law enforcement, students, and educators.

13) Do you oppose allowing guns in K-12 schools and colleges, outside of law enforcement and security staff?

Yes — Keeping guns out of schools and colleges to the extent practical seems like a prudent approach to public safety.

Preemption of Local Gun Safety Laws

After a decades-long effort by the gun lobby, most states now have some form of firearms preemption law, blocking towns and cities from adopting their own gun laws suited to local needs. These preemption laws often bar mayors and police chiefs from taking steps to address gun violence, and in some cases even have punitive provisions that leave taxpayers on the hook for court costs and fees. 

14) Do you oppose broad firearms preemption laws, which block local officials from passing and enforcing laws that keep communities safe from gun violence?

Yes — Massachusetts does not have a statewide firearms preemption law that broadly prohibits local governments from enacting their own gun regulations. This means that municipalities in Massachusetts have some authority to regulate firearms locally, provided that their regulations do not conflict with state law. I would not intend to propose any such preemption laws if elected that would be a detriment to public safety. However, if there is some specific scenario identified wherein otherwise lawful activities are being unjustly restricted in a discriminatory manner, I could potentially be persuaded to support targeted legislation to address inequities in the application of municipal regulations.

Holding the Gun Industry Accountable

In 2005, at the strong urging of the gun lobby, Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, one of the biggest giveaways to private industry in American history, giving the gun industry more protection from litigation than makers and sellers of cars or tobacco products. In recent years, several states have fought back against this unique type of immunity, passing laws that push back on industry by empowering gun violence survivors (and/or state authorities) to file suit against gunmakers and dealers whose bad conduct results in harm.

15) Do you support giving gun violence survivors access to justice by allowing them to take bad industry actors to court?

Yes — While this concept still appears to be working its way through the court system, I am generally not in favor of broad immunity for industries as it can lead to complacency and behaviors that are not in the best interest of society (or the individuals that use their products and services).

Assault Weapons

Assault weapons have been shown to increase the number of people killed and wounded in mass shootings—as they enable shooters to fire more quickly and with more destructive force. Researchers have found that the federal prohibition on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was associated with a significant decrease in public mass shootings and related casualties.

16) Do you support an assault weapons ban that  would bar new civilian purchases of these weapons of war?

Yes — Although, I would question the efficacy of gun bans that are focused on particular types of weapons or certain features. For those serious about preventing gun violence, I found the 6 part series about guns in season 9 of the Revisionist History podcast to be particularly enlightening:


Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction logo

Dear Campaign of Sean Diamond,

We are happy to inform you that your campaign has been awarded the 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction. Thank you again for advocating for gun violence prevention and making a commitment to govern with gun safety in mind. 

Attached to this email you will find the official 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate logo. Please feel free to use the logo on your campaign website and materials to demonstrate that you advocate for common-sense gun safety.  

Please note, the Gun Sense Candidate distinction is not an endorsement from Moms Demand Action or Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and should not be represented as such. Instead,it is a signal to our supporters, volunteers and voters across the country that a candidate advocates for gun violence prevention and will govern with gun safety in mind.

To support how your campaign talks about gun safety, here is gun violence prevention messaging as well as background on gun violence prevention issues  Additional resources can be found online:

If you have any further questions about the Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction or resources, please email [redacted].


Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund Political Staff


Candidate Survey: Waltham Inclusive Neighborhoods