Memorial Day, Door Knocking, and the Green Space Blues Jam

It has been an exciting couple of weeks. I attended Waltham’s official Memorial Day ceremony but refrained from actively campaigning during the Memorial Day weekend out of respect for those taking time to honor loved ones. The ceremony was both respectful and well attended.

Waltham residents gathered in the Veterans Circle of Remembrance after the Memorial Day Ceremony. People are sitting on marble benches and standing on the brick circle with flags at the center of the circle.

After the Memorial Day ceremony, folks gathered in Waltham’s Veterans Circle of Remembrance.

After the holiday weekend, I did several sessions of door knocking in Wards 3 & 5, which I documented on the Nextdoor App, where I met neighbors of a variety of backgrounds, orientations, income levels, interests, and spoken languages. I was told about and asked about everything from speeding vehicles, to litter thrown from moving vehicles, to the viability of electric vehicles, to the need for better public transit (or really any at all) along Trapelo Rd. Across every conversation, there was a clear interest in a more friendly public discourse and politicians that are more transparent and (more importantly) willing to listen to their constituents!

Tomorrow, I’ll be heading to the Green Space Blues Jam hosted by the Waltham Land Trust. I look forward to meeting everyone who is able to attend, and I hope others will consider donating to this excellent Waltham non-profit by placing a bid in the online auction they are hosting as part of the event that will benefit conservation efforts in Waltham.

At the event, I’ll be wearing the new campaign baseball cap that arrived in the mail yesterday to let folks find me. If you want one, you can find them available for pre-order on the donate page of this website.


The Forward Party of Massachusetts


Extended: Support for Waltham Non-Profits