Sean Diamond
Waltham State Rep

Sean Diamond is running as an independent candidate affiliated with the Forward Party for the 9th Middlesex House District, which includes most of Waltham, in the Massachusetts General Assembly.

Lawn signs in the yard in front of the Waltham Public Library during the fall of 2023. The lawn signs have headers of "freedom from", "freedom to", and "freedom of" with hand written ideas from Waltham teenagers.

Respect for Everyone’s Time & Attention

Sean is running to represent the Watch City to prioritize respect for everyone’s time and attention in government, business, and society.


Social Media Presence & Contacting the Campaign

In the modern political era, it is very common for political campaigns to use social media to reach potential voters and donors. However, in running a campaign that emphasizes respect for everyone’s time and attention, Sean could not in good conscience embrace the use of certain social media companies whose business models are fundamentally eroding the world’s ability to focus, collecting and selling personal information with little regard for user privacy, and blowing up civil discourse in the pursuit of ad revenue.

Sean prefers to meet folks in person, but he understands that is not always possible. To stay engaged with the community and constituents digitally, Sean will be posting relevant information only on platforms with ethical business models. Please feel free to contact us directly on this website or look for Sean on Reddit (notably the Waltham subreddit) and on Nextdoor (a neighborhood based app).